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Thomas Manning: You live through your work
needlework on shirt
26" x 33" x 4"
Life extends beyond the body, and for me physical remembrances are one way we can bring them back to life. My portrait makes use of needlework as a personal expression. The likeness of Thomas Manning, an artist and friend who died unexpectedly last year, has been meticulously hand-stitched onto one of his own shirts. The needlework is analogous to remembering his likeness and the shirt underscores the value assigned to keepsakes associated with him. In the same way the body deteriorates, this piece of work is a momentary remembrance of the subject. The needlework is my attempt to preserve the living in a temporal space . While not an idealized image, it is a moment of being that cannot be recaptured. My intent is to provide evidence of the dedication to a person: it is a tribute to one's life.

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